Qualipy (v0.1.0)

Qualipy is a library designed to track and monitor real-time and retrospective data and provide automated anomaly detection, reporting, and analysis on that data.

It does the following:
  • Provide a library that allows you to:
    • Create generic aggregate functions

    • Reflect any column that aggregates can be tracked on (Currently Pandas Series, Spark Columns and SQL columns)

    • Execute these aggregate functions as your data pipeline is running

  • Track and maintain these aggregate values in a separate location (Either SQlite or Postgres)

  • Generate reports describing your data in real time
    • Longitudinally describing all batches over time

    • Describe a single batch to understand at a deeper level

  • Run automated anomaly detection on all collected aggregates (and has an extendible anomaly detection model)

  • Provide a command line interface to:
    • Execute anomaly detection

    • Produce anomaly, comparison or batch reports

    • Interact with the historical data


Indices and tables