.. highlight:: sh Installation and Setup ======================= I highly recommend using conda to simplify the installation of fbprophet/pystan, but any package manager will work. fbprophet is not a required library, but it provides the best anomaly detection results. To create a new virtual environment:: $ conda create --name qpy python=3 $ conda activate qpy To install using pip:: $ pip install qualipy $ conda install -c conda-forge pystan $ conda install -c conda-forge fbprophet To install using git:: $ git clone https://github.com/baasman/qualipy $ cd qualipy $ pip install . $ conda install -c conda-forge pystan $ conda install -c conda-forge fbprophet By default, Qualipy will create a SQLite file to store and maintain all data. However, as data grows larger and more complex, Postgres becomes recommended. This is not a guide on running Postgres, but to get setup easily, docker is recommended.